Project Background
Client: Linden Homes
Client industry: Large scale housing development
Audience: Soham Town Council & residents of Soham
Committee briefing and public consultation website designed by MPC on behalf of Linden Homes, a property developer focusing on sustainable family and first time buyer housing across the UK.
Committee briefings are seen by local Councillors during Council meetings and therefore need to condense a lot of information into a digestible piece for assessment. They give an informative overview of the proposals for a new development and are often influential in the decision making. This particular briefing concerned plans for an area of land in Soham.
I used lines to separate sections of content or draw attention to important information. I combined this with indentation in some areas to guide the eye and show hierarchy - such as for the pull out quotes.
By visiting the public consultation website, members of the public could find out more information on the proposals, and more importantly - leave valuable feedback.
Linden Homes | Committee briefing
Linden Homes | Community consultation website